Journeys to Manhood with Taylor Knight ’10

Upper School students and faculty hear from Taylor Knight ’10 in Chapel as part of the Journeys to Manhood series.
On Monday, Feb. 5, The Center for the Study of Boys kicked off its first Journeys to Manhood speaker event of the 2023-2024 School year featuring Upper School Math Teacher Taylor Knight '10. Welcoming eighth grade boys to US chapel, Knight '10 discussed the challenges he'd felt as a student and shared lessons learned in the years since graduation. "I was in your seat once. I know a lot about the pressures that you all face. It's the pressure to be perfect all the time," said Knight '10.

Knight explained how, following graduation from college, he found himself in an unrewarding job in finance. He took a leap of faith and went on a life-changing road trip across the country to see friends and do some soul-searching. It was after this trip that Knight decided to join the Peace Corps, where he taught math in a small village in Lesotho. There, he learned about slowing down, taking a moment to appreciate those around him, and how important it is to reflect on the important things. In a message to those students who might be feeling stressed about school life and beyond, Knight '10 had the following message: "Life gets easier," he said. "You just gotta keep living. Start prioritizing your happiness now."

Watch the entire talk here.